About Us

Craigieburn Nepalese Community was started by a small active group of Nepalese people residing in Craigieburn in 2015and initiated different relevant social activities to engage and connect to the entire community members. CNC, in the initial stage, commenced Nepalese cultural activities such as celebrating Teej, Diwali, Holi and some activities for children. The activities left positive impacts to the community members and more people were engaged with the community within the first two years. Until now, CNC has already completed two terms of its executive committee teams and currently, its 3rd executive committee has been striving and thriving to succeed the aims of all the community. Organising cultural activities, celebrating Nepali festivals jointly and consolidating Nepali language and culture are its main objectives of the community which CNC essentially achieving coordinating and collaborating with other communities, agencies and local government. CNC is also working together with local businesses, entrepreneurs, and professionals for financial sustainability.

President’s Perspective

Greetings to the valued members of the Craigieburn Nepalese Community (CNC) and to our dear visitors,

It gives me immense pride and honour to serve as the president of the CNC, an organisation nestled in the heart of Northern Melbourne that stands as evidence of the rich heritage, values, and aspirations of the Nepalese diaspora. As I pen down this message, I reflect upon the foundation upon which CNC was built – a foundation that envisions a cohesive, vibrant, and empowered Nepalese community seamlessly integrated into the multicultural fabric of Craigieburn.

Our commitment to preserving and promoting our beloved Nepalese culture, language, art, and traditions has been steadfast. Be it through the enchanting rhythms of our music, the vibrant colours of our festivals, or the mouth-watering delicacies of our cuisine, we have always endeavoured to share the heart of Nepal with the broader community.

In pursuing overall community well-being, CNC has been at the forefront of initiating various programs that touch upon areas of cultural activities, sports, fitness, safety, and empowerment. We recognise that a community’s strength lies not just in its cultural preservation but also in its well-rounded development.

As we celebrated our 6th anniversary, the collective vision of our members and supporters brought forth an imperative: the need for a unified platform that would efficiently encapsulate our mission, events, and milestones. I am elated to announce that, in response to this, and integrating the invaluable feedback of our community, we are launching the CNC website. This will serve as a central hub, ensuring transparency, ease of access, and streamlined administration.

Our core objectives have been clear:

  1. Unity: To forge strong bonds among the Nepalese in Craigieburn and to work collaboratively with all stakeholders.
  2. Cultural Transmission: Ensuring our rich language and traditions are passed down and embraced by the younger generation.
  3. Inclusivity: Creating an environment where everyone feels cherished, welcome, and valued.
  4. Equality: Building a community where everyone feels supported, treated fairly, and respected.
  5. Cultural Education: Motivating our youth to delve deep into the Nepali language, festivals, music, and traditions.
  6. Community Engagement: Actively participating in broader community activities, establishing inter-community connections, and collaborating with government agencies.
  7. CNC Spirit: Bolstering the spirit of CNC by collectively addressing and overcoming challenges.
  8. Advocacy: Spearheading campaigns on pressing issues like family violence, child protection, and safety, while working closely with other agencies.

Together, let’s make CNC not just an organisation, but a movement that stands for unity, culture, empowerment, and progress.

With heartfelt gratitude and warm regards,

Arjun Upadhya
Craigieburn Nepalese Community Inc.

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Craigieburn Nepalese Community is proactively organizing various cultural and social programs according to the needs of the Nepalese Community

Here are some examples

CNC Activities

CNC has organized many cultural, social and sports activities. Some of the glimpses are as follows…

Nepali Language and Cultural class

Nepali language and culture learning program has been carried on at Hume Library as a continual CNC program since last few years.

CNC Women's Group

CNC Women’s Group is one of the prominent wings of CNC that has been running a number of activities for themselves.


Craigieburn Nepalese Community has its one of the major wings known as sports. Under this category the games of interest of each and every group…

Our Sponsors